Sunday, January 10, 2010

Little Owl

This is a recent treasure I got when I visited the Hawk Conservancy in Hampshire, UK. It is only 6cm tall.

The background is some handmade paper we bought a few years ago with the light coming in from the window behind. Thanks to Kimbomac for the white paper trick.

Taken with the Prime 50mm and macro extension tube for very limited DOF.
I would have liked to get the closer eye sharper, but the light was fading. I will try again another day.


  1. Lovely warm light fading to darker in the background.

  2. Beautiful gradient background light. I think I would have used the dodge tool or a curves adjustment on the highlights on his head just to give it a little more pop.

  3. He's so tiny, that is a real macro.
    Nice background, he's just magical.
