Tuesday, January 12, 2010

10 minutes in the garden

My treasure today is the little things I found while wandering in the garden. We have a couple of rose bushes struggling to grow as they are never pruned (long story). A fern unfurling that is part of a tribe trying to take over our deck and a dandelion just past its best.

None of them were particularly good on their own so I have joined in with the abstract and multi-shot takers and created this. It reminds me a flag, if I had put the dandelion in the middle it could be Italy.

Taken with the prime 50mm and macro extension ring.

At the end of the rainbow

Not sure what I was going to photo today, then just before dinner this beautiful rainbow appeared with its friend. So todays treasure is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow - just over there!

I took some more photos of the rainbows and an amazing cloud, but my memory card is refusing to work and the recovery software is struggling, so this one will have to do.

I did get told I am finishing work on Friday, but managed to negotiate a bit more redundancy - a small victory and still only a small amount.
Looking at this rainbow I am reminded that every cloud has a silver lining and I am hopeful I will end up with a better job.