Saturday, January 30, 2010

Heart and Rings

This is my final photo for the 31 Day Challenge, 2010!
I have learnt so much; a big thank you to everyone for their comments.

The ring on the left was my Grandmothers, she died when I was 15, it is too big so I will get it resized one day.
The other two are mine, which I always wear; the bottom one is my wedding ring and the other one my husband, Dan, gave me when we had been married five years.
They are sitting on a little wooden heart my son Finn made and gave to us when Dan and I got married in 2002.

Taken with the manual 50mm Prime at f11 and still very hard to focus. The room was quite dark due to a thunderstorm outside, so I used the little laser led light to make the rings sparkle. The frame is too thick but I have to use it to match the other 30 photos.

Finns Fish

This is a real treasure, a little pottery fish my youngest son, Finnian, made at Intermediate school (for ages 11-12). It is about 3 inches tall and has lovely gold trim.

The background is another large sheet of handmade paper against the window light in late afternoon. The room was quite dark so this is a 1 sec exposure with kit lens at 45mm and f5.6 and light from a small laser led light.

Only one more day to go and as usual I have no idea what treasure it will be.